How to Use a Brand De Soldering Pump?

When you have plugged in and excited your soldering iron, it's obliging to melt a tiny bit of extra soldering wire onto the terminal. This will help the old, hard solder melt. Extract the iron when you have done this.


Place the end of the braid over the terminal you are de soldering.


Using a De Soldering Braid


Also named a solder wick, this tool is a braid complete from fine copper wires. Select a braid the same size or smaller than the solder pad on your track board, and to some extent wider than the tip of your soldering iron. If the braid is too large, it could burn the board or take too long to heat up.



It is one of the most de soldering pump ponytails already have powdered flux distributed on the fine copper wires, in order to wick the solder up into the braid. You can brush a little liquid flux onto the end of the plait as well to make it more effective.

Ekavir Soldering iron Adjustable Temperature



